Dr Marm never without my Nikon!

Posts tagged “Fair Oaks

100 Summer Days with My Lensbaby Weeks 11-14 plus 2 Days

Out the Window Day 73

Out the Window Day 73

Lone Tree Day 74

Lone Tree. Day 74 jpg

Summer Views Day 75

Summer Views Day 75

Macro Veins Day 76

Macro Veins Day 76

Sunshine Day 77

Sunshine Day 77

Jessie Girl Day 78

Jessie Attentive Day 78

Floral Wallpaper Day 79

Floral Wallpaper Day 79

Early Blossoms Day 80

Early Blossoms Day 80

Crossing Intersection Day 81

Crossing Intersection Day 81

Ahead of Time Day 82

Ahead of Time Day 82

Cropped Color Day 83

Cropped Color Day 83

Couple In Love Day 84

Couple In Love Day 84

Mid-Day Sun Day 85

Mid-Day Sun Day 85

Harris Ranch Dusk Day 86

Harris Ranch Dusk Day 86

Palm Lane Day 87

Palm Lane Day 87

E-Ticket Ride Day 88

E-Ticket Day 88Kayak Accents Day 89Kayak Accents Day 89

Harbor Pano Day 90

Harbor Pano Day 90

Captain at the Wheel Day 91
Captain at the Wheel

Top Shelf Day 92

Top Shelf glass ware Day 92

Childhood Memories Day 93

Childhood Memories Day 93

Spot of Sun Day 94

Spot of Sun Day 94

Fisheye Fun Day 95

Fisheye Fun Shadows Day 95

Spirit Tree Day 96

Spirit Tree Day 96

Burst of Color Day 97

Burst of Color Day 97

Breezy Blur Day 98

Breezy Blur Day 98

Monkey See Monkey Do Day 99

Monkey See Monkey Do Day 99

Lady Bathing Day 100

Lady Bathing Day 100



The best part of our 100 Days of Summer with my Lensbaby…the talented women who let me join them and of course–enjoying the world with my Lensbaby lenses and optics!



To celebrate our completion, we will have a Lensbaby Circle from one blog post to another.  When we “go live” I will happily share the first person, so you can really see our summer across the globe with Lensbaby.  Thank you to Ana Marie Rosenberg for her coordination of our project!  See her amazing talent here:   http://anarosenberg.net/…/100-day-of-summer-with-lensbaby

100 Days of Summer Lensbaby Circle

Thought it would be easy to select a few of my favorite images that were part of the 100 Days of Summer celebrating my love and passion for all things Lensbaby.  Not as easy as I imagined, but here are a few that made my first favorite bunch.  If I had to guess, I would see updates to this post for sure!

Spirit TreeSpirit Tree Day 96

This is a tree in the parking lot of the church I attended while growing up near Pasadena, CA.  (San Gabriel, Church of Our Savior)  My parents, the Twining’s met one another at this church…ironically, my Aunt Carol (Dad’s sister) and my Godmother (Mother’s BFF) had been telling each of my parents they needed to meet a “friend” of theirs.  Nah, they met one another without that awkward blind date kinda thing.  Small world since Mother was born and raised in Lahaina, Maui and Dad predominantly on the East Coast.  Gonna have to go with “some things are just meant to be.”

My Mother was recently sharing their story and I never knew that my Dad fell asleep in the movie on their second date.  Mother said, “Well, I will never see him again…”  Nope, she was wrong on that account as he told her how he felt on date 3.”  He proposed at 6 weeks and they were married over 50 years.

Lady Bathing

Lady Bathing Day 100

I was fortunate to be able to attend my nephew Matt’s wedding to Hali.  Many advantages to having the newest DSLR lens, Velvet 56 on my Nikon, especially the 1.6 aperture.  I watched the candle melt during the reception and when I could clearly see a woman bathing–snap and a sentimental memory of a magical day and evening.

If anyone were to describe me as one who shoots flowers, I would have disagreed before the 100 images for Summer…yes, most were flowers and close to home.  Many were actually in parking lots of the various doctor locations I visit for treating my back and neck injury.  Once I switched to focusing on the “Lensbaby Love” and had lighter lens/optics on my camera it was easy to find subjects to share.

Floral Wallpaper

Floral Wallpaper Day 79


Sunshine Day 77

Violet Beauty

Violet Beauty.jpg Day 68

On Stage

On Stage. Day 65 jpg

Sunshine Spotlight

Sunshine Spotlight Day 66

Tulip via Velvet 56

Tulip Via Velvet 56 Day 59

Partial Petals via Velvet 56

Partial Petals Via Velvet 56 Day 61

Secret Garden via Velvet 56

Secret Garden Via Velvet 56 Day 60

Some non blooming sights…

Crossing the Line

Crossing the Line

Traveling Minstrel

Traveling Minstrel

Indoor Display

Indoor Display Day 46

Finder’s Keepers

Finders Keepers

Classic Words

Classic Words Day 42

Sharing the Beauty

Sharing the Beauty

Out the Window

Out the Window Day 73

And the most visited location…my neighbor 3 doors away with a magical yard…

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand Day 54

Closer Inspection

Closer Inspection Day 58

Next in Line

Next in Line Day 56

World Below

World Below Day 56

Dehazed Daisy Pops

Dehazed Dasiy Pops

Jessie Girl Attentive

Jessie Attentive Day 78

Hi Riley!

Hi Riley!

Spreading the Lensbaby Love during the summer…one day at a time!

The talented and creative ladies with the LB100DaysofSummer:

Thank you Ana, Pauline, Nicola, Sonia, Kelly, and Justyna for allowing me to join you with an “amazing” 100 Days of Summer.

#LB100daysofsummer #100summerdays_Lensbaby

To continue with our closing circle of 100 Days of Summer with Lensbaby, visit the very talented Kelly Jacobi, just click on the link below!

Kelly – Kelly Jacobi Photography

Special thanks to Lensbaby for creating such fun (and addictive) lenses and optics!  The folks I have had the pleasure to meet in real life as well as those with email or social media, you guys totally rock and are appreciated much!


100 Days of Summer with my Lensbaby Week 6

Week 6–Northern California has enjoyed a “cool down” from over 100 degrees to 80’s and 90’s.  A welcome change!

Summer Fun Day 36

Summer Fun

Day 37  Two versions

Daisy Pops

Daisy Pops

Using Lightroom CC 2015

New Slider in “Effects” bottom slider “Dehaze”  Modified Daisy Pops with +65

Dehazed Dasiy Pops

Flower Family Reunion Day 38

Flower Family Reunion

Luscious Green Bokeh Day 39

Reworked No Dehaze

Repeating Bokeh Day 40


Repetitive Patterns w- Bokeh Day 40_

Under Day 41


Under Day 41


Classic Words Day 42

Classic Words Day 42

Lensbaby Lens Lessons

Hmm, you know it has been too long since your last post when you have to reset your password!  I dislike how sophisticated the password resets are…we won’t count how many times it took me to make one up that worked…or, the likelihood I will remember it next time I want to post a blog…time will tell:)

With the start of the official Fall season, I am sad to awaken to darkness–but constantly looking at the trees all around town and checking their colors.  Living near Sacramento, which is “The City of Trees” and seeking fall changes means my eyes are checking out every parking lot as I drive by.  Some Maple and Sycamore trees have red and the Walnut trees seem to have little patches among the branches of orange.

I have been enjoying a return to the Double Glass Optic and using an old favorite lens to many–but new to me, the Lensbaby Muse.  So exciting to be challenged with a new lens and fun to see the results.

One of the best attributes for me, is the fact Lensbaby Lens are lightweight–for now, my biggest concern due to back and neck injuries.

I happily gave up carrying a purse for a photo bag, so I would always have my Nikon with me and not miss opportunities.  This means I am very content to get out of my car and check out views from various parking lots!

We are just getting a little bit of color in town…here is a shot from a tree surrounded by concrete.

All you need is a little spot of color!

All you need is a little spot of color!

One of my favorite locations is 5-minutes away by car.  I do not visit there during the summer, as it is pack jammed with happy rafters on The American River.  But now, I can return and run into very few folks.  Just perfect for reflecting and shooting.

The seemingly foggy image is taken using the Zone Plate Optic on my Lensbaby Muse.  The Pinhole/Zone Plate Optic uses Litho film which creates the hazy effect.  My original subject was the weeds in front taken with a Plastic Optic.

Artistic haze due to Zone Plate optic

Artistic Haze

A Little Prickly

A Little Prickly

Our water level is low due to no real rain to measure yet this calendar year.  Hoping our fall and winter are wet.

A View among branches

A View among branches

A final view to share of The American River.  This location is accessible by car, parking just a few 100 feet or so away.

Slippery when wet

Slippery when wet

Happy Autumn or Spring, may you enjoy the colors that come with your season!

One Poppy Plant

The time has changed–we have “sprung forward.”  The sun sets later, our days are getting longer , which always makes me happy.  Equally exciting is that spring is springing with the blooms and blossoms in Northern CA.  Just beginning.

I have started my watching for Golden Poppy plants at the American River.  Eventually, the hillside will be covered with Poppy plants and Lupine, but not yet.

There was one plant blooming with the river in the background.  SO–one plant, made the most of it…

Lonely Poppy

Lonely Poppy

The beauty and complimentary colors of the poppies and green grass just makes me smile and be thankful that we have such any spring growth. We have such a lacking of rain, believe we are more than 8 inches below our norm at this time of year.

So, I was thankful there was one plant with blooms and took in the beauty to share!

Half and Half

Half and Half

We did have rain on Easter morning, not too much–but any rain is fabulous at this point!  Felt bad for anyone celebrating the holiday with any outdoor activities, rain was gone almost as soon as it came.  Love the clouds and stormy views!

Storm Watch

Storm Watch

More dramatic sky view!

Wide Angle

Wide Angle

One last view to tide you over–I realized that the header on my blog is exactly what I am hoping to find once again.

First One...then more

First One…then more

American River Stormy Views

I am an avid reader and enjoy reading photography books, blogs, e-books–anything I can gain knowledge from and enjoy the wonderful images others have created.  Many times I have read that the best photos come from your location–knowing when the weather and conditions will get you an amazing view.  Usually, this is written by someone who lives near Yosemite, in Hawaii, and other vacation destinations I’d love to live near.

This week in Northern California we went from 100 degree weather down to the high 70s–that was a delightful shift and much welcomed!  There was also a threat of rain.  I was watching the sky and the clouds and noticed they were getting very inviting for a photo outing.  So, I went to the American River–one of my favorite locations and a 5-minute drive.  Have been dealing with severe back and neck challenges due to an injury, so am very limited in what I can do and for how long.  (This outing was less than 20-minutes and SO worth it.)

My Nikon 18mm is a wide angle prime and very light weight and has become my go-to lens.  Do love the continuing “learning curves” of photography! When I got home, realized I had a very slight vignette in every corner of my images.  (Have now taken the rubber hood off of my lens!)  So, decided to embrace the vignette concept..having never tried it before–had a fun time with it:)

The first teasing drops of rain began as soon as I sat down to take a few snaps, so didn’t stay long, but did enjoy the ever-changing clouds!

A few green spots near the river

Played a bit with white vignettes to match the clouds

A small area near the shore with slower moving water, a haven for ducks

Took advantage of a full frame camera and just cropped these, so the vignette was not apparent.  Know too much of a good thing can become boring, so no vignettes on these views!

View down the river

A patch of blue

Ironically, this is not a time I usually visit the river–in the middle of the day and during summer.  Had to take these shots in between folks going down the river on rafts.  Was reminded of this when I drove through the gate, to find limited parking. Am glad I went, though–certainly does validate the concept of finding great views in your own neighborhood:D

Poppies Popping

The state flower of California is the Golden Poppy.
 In spring, they are abundant and can be found many places–on
freeway hillsides, in neighborhood yards and along the American
River, to name a few locales.  Actually, my header on my blog
is from a few years ago.  I had hoped to find both Poppies and
Lupine in bloom and took me quite a few trips before I found what I
was searching for.  These are a few shots I got to enjoy when
hunting for them this year.

Front and

Early Morning

On the

Among New

Couldn’t decide whether I preferred a portrait or
landscape shot, so decided to enjoy both options!  Do you have
a preference?

Multicolored River


The clarity of the water seemed to make this
vision even more impressive!

Catch Your

This photo was not at the American River, but I
made certain I got to enjoy this amazing view.  Taken on
Mother’s Day.  Well worth fighting the traffic to get it.


I was not alone!  Numerous cars pulled up and
stopped along this 2 lane highway to capture the beauty.

Who Wouldn’t Want
This View?

The last two photos were taken with my new
camera, the Nikon D800E.  Have been waiting for a fullframe
camera for quite some time.  The wait was worth it!  Look
forward to sharing more photos with you taken with this amazing

Rooster Hokey Pokey and Attitudes!

Fair Oaks is a small town nestled between Carmichael and Citrus Heights, near Sacramento, CA.  The “Town Square” is a small park with local businesses surrounding two sides.  What is most unusual are the feathered friends that roam through out the entire town.  Roosters and Hens peck at the grass and root in the shrubbery and come near people–obviously, well fed!

I am sure many of you remember the song, “The Hokey Pokey”…one of those tunes that can get stuck in your head?  What I noticed as I was processing my numerous rooster shots was they were “doing the Hokey Pokey!”  So here goes a few views of these talented roosters and hens!

You put your Right Foot out!

What goes out…come in…

You put your right foot in!

And now, for the left…

You put your left foot out!

And you shake it all about!

You put your head in!

I must admit…did not capture anymore obvious views to the song…but I did notice some serious attitude as I got a little closer views. Some “head shots” with attitude and feeling…


Snacking on grass

I'm talkin' to you!

Not in the mood!

Eye to eye!

Black and White Hen

This one, just seemed a bit wiser and older–reminded me of a “wise soul!”

Wise old soul

Any identifications are welcome!  Of course, I “Googled” roosters and found a few identifications via Wikipedia…but none that looked familiar.  I was surprised to see that “Fair Oaks Roosters” has a Facebook page…a non profit, so of course, I “liked” them–happy to help:)

Hope your day is wonderful!